“I Regret Not Going in Previous Years”: Adam’s KYCK Testimony

In this interview, Adam from Coffs Harbour Presbyterian Church shares how he met Jesus at his lowest point and how attending KYCK 23 challenged him to live like Jesus and to be proactive with his faith. He also shares why youth should “get off the fence” and just make the decision to go to KYCK this year!  

1. How many KYCKs have you been to and what was your favourite part?  

KYCK 23 was my first KYCK! Unfortunately, it was also my last due to my age, and I regret not going in previous years! My favourite part about KYCK was the ability to praise, connect with and learn about Christ, surrounded by thousands of people – an incredibly encouraging experience! 

2. How did KYCK23 challenge you in your faith?  

KYCK 23 has challenged me to not only live like Jesus, but to actively seek and read His word in the Bible, encourage others in reading His word and to back Jesus up when I’m being questioned. You just never know when He’ll enter someone’s life through you! 

3. Tell us how you became a Christian!   

I met Jesus when I was at my lowest. 2020 was a tough year for so many, and I was struggling with depression following the death of my grandfather and the isolation brought on by COVID. God used that time to build me back up, create a proper, almost unbreakable connection with Him and surrounded me with an amazing group of friends. 

4. How has meeting Jesus changed your life?   

Meeting Jesus has provided me with an incredibly freeing feeling, knowing that there will always be someone I can rely on who’ll ride the waves of life with me in a life that He prepared for me is amazing. 

5. What would you say to someone on the fence about attending KYCK? 

I was once on the fence too, and for way too long. Just go! It’s the most amazing experience and you absolutely won’t regret it. You’ll meet new people, make new friends and may well find yourself connecting with Christ on a whole new level! 

KYCK 23 Early Bird Rate Ends This Week!  

KYCK challenges and equips teenagers to boldly live the Christian life.  

This 22-24 September, we invite youth groups to join us for one final weekend and to “Meet Jesus” in the Gospel of Mark. Early Bird tickets are still available until 30 June.  

Register now and save: https://www.kyck.org.au/register/   

Category:External Blog Post

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