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Country KYCK Bonus back in 2025!
In 2014, the Country KYCK Bonus was introduced for the first time and since then we’ve had over 6,000 youth come from the country — that’s just amazing! If your youth group travels from the ‘country’, we understand how much harder it is for you to come to KYCK. We want to make it a little easier by giving you a little boost!
We’re excited to say that the Country KYCK Bonus will be BACK IN 2025.
View DetailsThe Details
The Country KYCK Bonus and how to get it
What’s the bonus?
BONUS 1: $20 off per ticket if it’s your group/church’s first time at KYCK.
BONUS 2: $10 off per ticket if your group/church has been to KYCK before.
How do I get the Country KYCK Bonus?
STEP 1: If you think you are eligible to get this bonus, get your group leader to fill out the application form.
STEP 2: If you are eligible, you will receive an email with a discount code you can use online.
Sound easy?
Well it is! But there are some conditions.

Terms and Conditions
Country KYCK Bonus Terms and Conditions
- Funds for this Bonus are limited, so it’s a first in, best dressed policy!
- Apply for the Country KYCK Bonus BEFORE you purchase your tickets.
- The Bonus will only be applied to the registration if the group leader pays for all the tickets.
- Not all groups who apply will receive the Bonus. You will receive an email from KCC within one week after your application to confirm your eligibility.
- The discount code/s cannot be used by other groups or transferred to those who have not applied for the bonus.
- A “new group” means that they have NOT attended KYCK in the past.
- A “group” can be a youth group or school group.

When is it?
Online Application Form
Use the form below to apply for the KYCK Country Bonus in 2025.