In this interview, Lucy describes the “indescribable impact” of KYCK conference, how Jesus is her hope with ongoing health issues, and why she wants everyone to experience what she has over the last 7 years at KYCK. We hope you are encouraged by her story!  

1. How many KYCKs have you been to?  

KYCK 23 was my 7th KYCK, and I have loved every single one—right back to KYCK 17 when the theme was “Standing for the King”. 

2. What is your favourite part about KYCK?  

The best part about KYCK is the people. A few thousand of us get together, and despite never meeting before, we are in the same place for the sole purpose of getting to know Jesus better and to praise him as one church. There is something uniquely incredible about hearing thousands of joyous voices raised together in worship of one King—all sharing the same hope and so loudly you can barely hear your own voice. It’s a feeling I will never forget.  

3. How has meeting Jesus changed your life?  

Throughout my life, I’ve had underlying issues with health. In the past few years especially there’s been a sizable escalation, to the extent of which my everyday life has become very difficult. A lot of the time I feel like I’ve lost hope, or that I have no worth or purpose in this world, but those feelings are often short lived. That’s the wonderful thing about Jesus, he gives hope in even the direst of situations, and he brings light to the darkest of nights. 

Even though my life is harder now, I wouldn’t change anything, because God has used my experience in miraculous ways. I’m able to understand and empathise in ways that wouldn’t have been possible without my struggle, and being able to serve the people around me is worth every bit of it. I’m able to survive my experience because I have the God that created everything on my side.  

As Jesus brings me so much joy, I’m able to love people with a kind of love that comes from him: “We love because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19). That’s the other amazing thing about Jesus, he’s a relational God. He cares for me, as an individual. He doesn’t care about all the terrible things I’ve done in my life; he loves me as myself, deeply flawed as I am. 

Jesus has changed how I look at the world and how I can relate to it and has filled my cup with so great a hope and joy I can pour it freely without worry into the lives of every person I encounter. I am not perfect, but my God is. And that is more than enough.  

4. What would you say to someone on the fence about attending KYCK? 

The joy found in that hall – and even on the dreaded hill – is something extraordinary and infectious, something I wish every person would be able to experience.  

For almost every person I’ve talked to about this, KYCK has been a life changing event, and for me personally, the impact this conference has had upon me and my journey with Jesus is indescribable. Each year, KYCK reminds me just how incredible our God is, and how kind, loving, and servant hearted his people strive to be.  

At KYCK 2022, I had a medical issue in the hall just before one of the sessions, and a group of youth I’d never met before came and found me afterwards to make sure I was okay and give me a card they’d made. I still have that card, and I carry the love those people gave me everywhere I go. They gained nothing from seeking me out, but they still did without any hesitation or prompting. 

It’s rare, I think, to gather with a group of thousands, and have every single one of them care about you personally, and yet, this has been the case for all 7 of the KYCKs I’ve been to. Whether you’re a Christian or not, KYCK is something I think every person should have the chance to experience. It’s an awesome way to meet Jesus for the first time, for growing in your faith, and for anyone who’s simply considering Jesus. 

Save the dates for KYCK 24!

Hosted by Katoomba Christian Convention, KYCK is an annual event that challenges and equips teenagers to boldly live the Christian life. Over the years, KYCK has become a treasured space for teenagers to explore and deepen their faith with like-minded company. Delegates are invited to hear and respond to God’s word through powerful Bible talks, uplifting worship in song, inspiring testimonies, and fun youth-appropriate activities.   

KYCK will return in 2024 across the following weekends:   

  • Weekend 1: 12–14 April  
  • Weekend 2 & Online: 19–21 April  
  • Weekend 3: 26–28 April  
  • Weekend 4: 27–29 September  

The theme will be ‘In the Beginning’ with guest speakers preaching from Genesis 1-3. Tickets will go on sale Tuesday 7 November, 9.30am AEDT and will be available until sold out.  To sign up for the latest updates, visit our website: 

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Article by Rebecca Hardman

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“I Felt So Much Love”: Freya’s KYCK Story